To date, AMA has hosted several young people of different nationalities on its team.Young people who were able to integrate and who appreciated the dynamism and the variety of our…
To date, AMA has hosted several young people of different nationalities on its team.Young people who were able to integrate and who appreciated the dynamism and the variety of our…
Today, AMA awarded the Spanish Language Award to the 10 best students of the Charles III College of Monaco. The prize for the best reader of the “El Rincón de…
Since 2013, AMA continues working in partnership with CIMIENTOS to strengthen the school trajectories of adolescents at risk.AMA joined the Program, ‘Future Graduates’, in January 2013, to contribute to the…
Like every year, Asociación Monaco Argentina participated in the Collège Charles III Awards Ceremony. Mr. Michele Rubinelli, AMA Vicepresident, presented the award for best students of Spanish. A 6th year…
AMA, is PRESENT! In this significant 2014 for the ‘Clemencia González- Jachuka Yvapoty’ School, in Aldea Yyryapu,Iguazú, Misiones, Argentina. With the approval of its Pedagoical and Institutional project by the…
As in previous years, AMA was present in Collège Charles III Academic Year Closing Ceremony and Outstanding Students Award Ceremony. Michele Rubinelli, Vice President of AMA, awarded the prizes together…
We agreed to go on working together to strengthen the school work of adolescents in risk. AMA joined the ‘Futuros Egresados’ Program in January 2013 to contribute to the accompaniment…
AMA, with Monaco Collège Charles III authorities consent, is devoted to organizing and creating a Spanish Library and Reading Club. With this purpose we have made an alliance with Fundación…
AMA and CIMIENTOS share the conviction that Education is the foundation and base for the construction of a just society. CIMIENTOS is an organization belonging to the Argentina Civil Society…
AMA participated in the Scholarship Holders Day on 10/05/13 organized by Fundación CIMIENTOS in the Argentine city of Mar del Plata. These Sessions are one of the pillars of “Futuros Egresados”…